Know about benefits of Vein Treatment

Surely you've heard more than once talk about a well know health issue "spider veins" that leave pain in the legs in case of some people, which are nothing but an abnormal accumulation of veins on the surface of the skin . Its scientific name is telangiectasias, and they are manifested as a network of blue vessels that stand out on the skin. They can be accompanied by heaviness, cramps, edema or swelling of the ankles, and even varicose veins.

Are they a sign of something more serious?

Spider veins can be a symptom of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), but you should not be alarmed or make that assessment on your own. The first thing you should know is that neither you nor the Internet has the answer to this question. You will have to go to a Vein Doctor in New Jersey to assess your case and study your complete picture. The first thing that the Vein Doctor New Jersey will do is perform an ultrasound to rule out a possible reflux due to failure in the valves that leads to venous hypertension, since correcting that possible hypertension would be the first step to perform.

According to the specialist, a Vein Treatment in New Jersey should not be performed without having previously ruled out a more serious pathology, such as venous insufficiency or an old or current venous thrombosis. To do this, vascular surgeons have a "fundamental" tool: the Eco Doppler, an ultrasound that allows us to see the veins that we do not see.

Side effects of Vein Treatment

For the New Jersey Vein Doctor, the spiders are so small that their treatment does not pose a risk. "The venous circulation is like a tree, the trunk is the deep venous system with two important branches that are the saphenous axes, and from these come other smaller branches that are superficial veins with some leaves. In a healthy tree the yellow leaves would be the spiders that if they are taken out of the tree, they are still healthy.

The side effects that derive from its elimination are those of any laser treatment, such as skin burns, although they are unlikely, according to the doctor, since it acts on the photo chromic of the blood and not on the pigment melanin.

With regard to the treatment of sclerotherapy, bruises or brown spots may appear with relative frequency in the puncture site, although in two or three weeks they disappear.

The treatment with sclerosis has immediate results, while the laser Vein Treatment New Jersey requires that two or three scans are made on the same lesion until its total elimination. The probability of them coming out again in the same place is minimal.

With these new up to date procedures, in a few seconds results are obtained and the patient can go home and lead a normal life, even though the specialist recommends the use of a compression elastic stocking for a time after treatment.


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